Cochleas - Welcome

A lot of time is spent on solving problems regarding software conflicts.

Searching in forums is quite difficult and a lot of things are missing.

Here you can find useful advice on how to solve problems quickly and ... forever!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

DISPLAY ... xhost...

In order to set the display of another pc into yours do the following:

1. xhost +   ... in the pc that you are already logged in...

2. slogin user@machine_target

3. setenv DISPLAY machine_source:0.0

Friday, June 11, 2010

Find Strings in Files...

grep "STRING" *.file

grep "STRING" */*.file to search in top level

(equivalent command for dos is findstr)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Thunderbird open links in Firefox, while Opera is the default browser...

The first thing to do is add the lines:

and then turn this to true:


restart thunderbird and try to open a link... now thunderbird asks about the browser...

set /usr/bin/opera and check "remember"...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Open Office problems...

In Fedora 13 after installing oo3 it is not possible to start it:

so you get the message...

/opt/openoffice.org3/program/soffice.bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

so the first thing to do is:

cd /opt/

ln -s /usr/lib/ ure

ln -s /usr/lib/ ure-link

so now if you try again you get this: version `NSSRAWHASH_3.12.3' not found (required by /lib/

so now:

cd /opt/

mv libfreebl3.so_old

in case you have problems with the libraries do this:

cd /opt/openoffice.org3/program/

ldd soffice.bin

Tar Zip things...

tar -cvf file.tar file1 file2 ...

gzip -9 file.tar

split -b 20M (or 3GB) -d file.tar.gz

cat x0* > file.tar.gz

tar zxvf file.tar.gz

Size of things...

du -sh /folder

Find things:

find $HOME -name '*.jpg*'

Server Copy...

scp -r folder user@computername:/home/user/

Formatting - Installing Fedora 13 KDE from live cd...

First of all take backup of all your /home directory or any important data... So after you burn the cd reboot and start from there. Take care to preview the partition before to continue and make sure that your /root directory has a size of 5GB and the rest (big) is for your /home..
After the installation is complete open a terminal..

1. yum install kernel-devel gcc
2. yum update
3. yum install firefox thunderbird gimp vim xbindkeys java

you can download opera, skype, acrobat, flash, openoffice and prefer the *.rpm is easier.. so download then in a folder and then apply to all :

chmod u+x *

and then install each one with the command:

rpm -iUvh *.rpm

or just:


if it is a bin file...

4. Install vlc using the commands:

rpm -ivh
yum install vlc
yum install mozilla-vlc

5. Install VirtualBox using the command:

yum install VirtualBox-OSE.i686

and after the installation is complete do the following:

1. vi /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
2. ++ lines:

blacklist kvm_intel
blacklist kvm

then reboot and setup the virtual os.

6. THE MOST IMPORTANT PART: INSTALL NVIDIA driver and disable the "NOUVEAU" driver...

1. After logging in Fedora press Ctrl+Alt+F2 to enter terminal mode.
2. telinit 3
sh NVIDIA* -k $(uname -r)
* the driver that you have downloaded from NVIDIA. The -k $(uname -r) is needed if you get the message that fedora can not load the kernel nvidia.ko
3. Press Yes when being asked about creating the xorg.conf file.
4. vi /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
++ line:
blacklist nouveau
5. vi /boot/grub/grub.conf
++ at the end of the kernel line:
rdblacklist=nouveau vga=0x318
6. yum remove '*nouveau*'
7. reboot ... now fedora will start with your nvidia driver....

7. Download java from the sun site and install. Type "is Java enabled" in firefox and you will find sites for testing this. If not then:

1. cd /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins
2. ln -s /usr/java/jre*..../lib/i386/ .
* this is the version that you have previously installed.

8. Mouse with many buttons configuration:
Download the xautomation package... I prefer the *.rpm and install it. It install the xte software simulating mouse clicks. As user apply the command:

xbindkeys --defaults > /home/user/.xbindkeysrc

A default file is created and now edit it and add the lines:

control+shift + q

# delele on right side mouse button
"xte 'key Delete'"

# escape on left side mouse button
"xte 'key Escape'"

Comment out any lines if not needed.

vi /home/user/.bash_profile

and add the line:


in order to load the application in each boot.

9. The rest part is easy as you can configure all your setting from the system settings of fedora...